

姓    名 林正峰 職    稱 助理教授
E - mail   jengfeng@stust.edu.tw
最 高 學 歷   美國南加大 / 電機博士
研 究 領 域   半導體光電、光電理論、光學設計

8/73 - 1/75
9/77 - 6/79
8/85 – 9/87

2019Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, Tzu-Yu Tseng and Zi-Ying Liao, “Simulation of light extraction efficiency of GaN micro-LED arrays,” 2019 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology, 壁報論文佳作
2018Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, Zun-Xiong Ke, Wei-Xin Lan and Yong-Jhih Syu, “Simulation of light extraction efficiency of GaN micro-LEDs with packaging,” 2018 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology, 壁報論文競賽第一名
2017Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, and Ya-Ting Tsai, “Simulation of light extraction efficiency of thin-film GaN micro-LEDs,” 2017 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology學生論文獎。
2015康智傑、林正峰、郭桐瑞、陳奇宏、江志胤、楊育瑞,”High-efficiency extra thin small lighting”, 2015 Panasonic綠色生活創意設計大賽第一名。
2015康智傑、林正峰,”360-UFO燈具”, 2015能源科技產品設計競賽銅牌獎。
2015許毅然、林正峰,”具有光學鏡片之光學接頭與光學指向元件”, 2015台北國際發明展銀牌獎。
2014康智傑、林正峰、陳慶育、曾學安、莊鎧明、楊育瑞,”照明裝置,” 2014台北國際發明展銀牌獎。
2014康智傑、林正峰,”高發光效率大尺寸LED照明燈具,” 2014東元科技創意競賽人文獎。
2012Chih-Chieh Kang, Jeng-Feng Lin, Kai-Ming Chuang, Ching-Yu Chen, Syue-An Ceng, “Large-sized polygonal hollow cavity edge-type LED lighting apparatus with high efficiency and high uniformity,” 2012 International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2012), Dec. 15-20, 2012, Fuzhou, Fujian, P.R. China. First Prize Paper Award.
2012余英松、林正峰,”居家貓眼偷窺智慧提醒裝置,” 2012全國LED照明光電創意競賽佳作。
2012康智傑、林正峰,許雅茹,”高品質多邊形側光式LED燈具,” 2012台北國際發明展金牌獎。
2012康智傑、林正峰,”高發光效率多邊形照燈具,” 2012東元科技創意競賽人文獎。
2012Chih-Chieh Kang, Jeng-Feng Lin, Ya-Ru Syu,”High-quality edge-type polygonal LED light fixture ,” 2012 美國匹茲堡發明展銀牌。
2010Yih-Ran Sheu, Jeng-Feng Lin, Hong-Ze Li,”Using light patterns to performing multi-touch functions,” 2010 德國紐倫堡發明展金牌。

2021Wei-Feng Hsu, Shyh-Tsong Lin, and Jeng-Feng Lin, "Dual Fresnel mirror system for 360 degree viewable three-dimensional displays," Applied Optics, Volume 60, No. 4, 1 February 2021, Pages A166-A172.
2019Wei-Feng Hsu, Shyh-Tsong Lin, and Jeng-Feng Lin, "Optimization of diffractive optical elements with millions of pixels using progressive error reduction algorithm (PERA)," Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Volume 122, November 2019, Pages 49-58. 
2015Ruei-Tang Chen, Chih-Chieh Kang, Jeng-Feng Lin, Sheng-Wei Chiou, Hung-Hsiang Cheng, and Chih-Wen Lai, ” Novel design for a diffusive solar cell window,” Journal of Nanomaterials, vol. 2015, Article ID 675312, 5 pages
2015Ruei-Tang Chen,Chih-Chieh Kang, Jeng-Feng Lin, Tzu-Chi Lin, and Chih-Wen Lai "Optimal design for the diffusion plate with nanoparticles in a diffusive solar cell window by Mie scattering simulation," International Journal of Photoenergy, vol. 2013, Article ID 481637, 5 pages
2011 Cheng-Hsin Chuang, Sung-Wen Tsai, Jeng-Feng Lin, Chang-Pen Chen,Fabrication of multi-functional optical films by using a Ultraviolet curing Roll-to-Roll System,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol.50 ,no.6 ,06GK01-06GK01-5,2011
2009 曾世福,林正峰,康智傑,複合式光學膜上半球面隨機排列的方法,南台科技大學學報, vol.34 ,no.1 ,pp64-78,2009
2003 林正峰,杜彥錫,邱華楠及何宏原,傅氏繞射光學元件的繞射效率上限 ,工程科技通訊 ,no.67 ,pp.6-9 ,2003
1997 J.-F. Lin and A.A. Sawchuk,Design of diffractive optical elements with optimization of signal to noise ratio and without dummy area ,Applied Optics ,vol.36 ,pp.3155-3164 ,1997

2021Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, and Zih-Han Ye, “Human vision simulation based on  an experimental eye model,” The International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology,台南,十一月十八日至十一月十九日,2021年。
2021Zun-Xiong Ke, Jeng-Feng Lin, Ming-Min Liou, and Chih Chieh Kang, “ Optimization design of a spherical relay lens system for best-performing a LED AOI light source with an rectangular tapered light pipe,” The International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology,台南,十一月十八日至十一月十九日,2021年。
2020Zun-Xiong Ke, Jeng-Feng Lin, Ming-Min Liou, and Chih Chieh Kang, “ Relay Lens System Design Study for Sustaining Square-Shape Beam,” The 19th International Symposium on Advanced Technology,台南,十一月二十六日至十一月二十七日,2020年。
2020Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, Bo-Cheng Shih and Shih-Kai Lin, “Study of viewing angle of GaN Micro-LEDs by varying packaging parameters,” The 19th International Symposium on Advanced Technology,台南,十一月二十六日至十一月二十七日,2020年。 
2019Ming-Yu Tsai, Zun-Xiong Ke, Jeng-Feng Lin, and Chih-Chieh Kang, “The study of optical phenomenon of a rectangular integrating rod with a LED by kaleidoscope imaging modeling and experiment,” The 18th International Symposium on Advanced Technology,台南,十二月十二日至十二月十四日,2019年。
2019Chien-Cheng Ma, Hong-Yu Yang, Jeng-Feng Lin, and Chih-Chieh Kang, “The study of color mixing of a RGB LED light fixture with a hollow cylindrical lightpipe using angular light ray grouping by partition method,” 2019 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology,台南,十二月十二日至十二月十三日,2019年。 
2019Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, Tzu-Yu Tseng and Zi-Ying Liao, “Simulation of light extraction efficiency of GaN micro-LED arrays,” 2019 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology,台南,十二月十二日至十二月十三日,2019年。 
2019Shun-Yuan Cheng, Jeng-Feng Lin, and Chih-Chieh Kang, “Optimization of a 2-lens relay design for coupling an optical fiber bundle in an inspection light source system,” The 4th IEEE and 5th The International Conference on Science, Education and Viable Engineering (ICSEVEN 2019) ,銀川市,寧夏,中國,十月十三日至十月十七日,2019年。
2018 Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, Zun-Xiong Ke, Wei-Xin Lan and Yong-Jhih Syu, “Simulation of light extraction efficiency of GaN micro-LEDs with packaging,” 2018 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology,台南,十月四日至十月五日,2018年。 
2017Ming-Min Liou , Jeng-Feng Lin, Jyh-Huei Lay, Chih-Chieh Kang, “A multi-approach study on circular fringe of a light art with a cylindrical lightpipe,” 2017 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology,台南,十月十九日至十月二十日,2017年。
2017Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, and Chihyin Chiang, “Comparison between design and measurement results of DOEs,” 2017 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology,台南,十月十九日至十月二十日,2017年。
2017Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, and Chihyin Chiang, “Comparison of light extraction efficiency of sapphire based and bulk-GaN based flip-chip LEDs,” 2017 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology,台南,十月十九日至十月二十日,2017年。
2017Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, and Ya-Ting Tsai, “Simulation of light extraction efficiency of thin-film GaN micro-LEDs,” 2017 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology,台南,十月十九日至十月二十日,2017年。
2017Yu-Shiang Lin, Jeng-Feng Lin, Tong-Ruel Guo, and Chih-Chieh Kang, “Optical design for a small-size thin circular hollow-cavity edge-type LED luminaire–a choice of LED radiation pattern,” 2017 International conference of science, engineering, vocational education, and novelty, Guangxi, China, 8-12 Oct. 2017
2016Chih-Chieh Kang, Jeng-Feng Lin, and Tong-Ruel Guo, "Utilization of simulated annealing method for optical design of a thin rectangular small-size edge-type hollow-cavity LED luminaire," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Materials for Science and Engineering IEEE-ICAMSE 2016, 台南,12-13 Nov. 2016.
2016Chih-Chieh Kang, Jeng-Feng Lin, Yu-Ruei Yang, Yu-Shiang Lin, and Yu-Liang Wu, "An Empirical Design of Diffusion Plate," 2016 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology,台南,十月六日至十月七日,2016年。
2016Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, and Chihyin Chiang, "Simulation of light extraction efficiency of bulk-GAN based flip-chip LEDs," 2016 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology,台南,十月六日至十月七日,2016年。
2015Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, and Chi-Hung Chen, "Simulation of light extraction efficiency of vertical GaN LEDs," 2015 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology,台南,十月三十日至十月三十一日,2015年。
2014Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, Chao-Yuan Yeh, Jun-Yi Xu and Chi-Shiuan Su, “Simulation of light extraction efficiency of flip-chip InGaN LEDs,” 2014 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology,台南,十月十七日至十月十八日,2014年。
2014Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, Jiun-Yan Chen, Jian-Cheng Liou, Yu-Hau Juang, “Simulation of light extraction efficiency of sapphire based InGaN LEDs,” 2014 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology,台南,十月十七日至十月十八日,2014年。
2014Chih-Wen Lai, Ruei-Tang Chen, Chih-Chieh Kang, Jeng-Feng Lin, “A simplified, fundamental three-layer structure for diffusive solar cell window applications with optimal glass thickness,” 2014 International conference on innovation, communication and engineering (ICICE 2014), Guiyang, Guizhou, P.R. China, Oct. 17-14, 2014.
2013Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, and Yan-Sheng Lin, “Systematic ray tracing to improve light extraction efficiency of InGaN LEDs with a microlens array,” OPTIC 2013 (Optics & Photonics Taiwan, International Conference), 中壢,十二月五日至十二月七日,2013年。
2013Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, Meng-Sang Li, and Jing-Yan Liou, “The Analysis of Light Absorption of InGaN LEDs,” 2013 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology, 台南,十一月十五日至十一月十六日,2013年。
2012Chih-Chieh Kang, Jeng-Feng Lin, Kai-Ming Chuang, Ching-Yu Chen, Syue-An Ceng, “Large-sized polygonal hollow cavity edge-type LED lighting apparatus with high efficiency and high uniformity,” 2012 International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2012), Dec. 15-20, 2012, Fuzhou, Fujian, P.R. China.
2012Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, Pei-Chiang Kao, “Improvement of light extraction efficiency of InGaN LEDs with paraboloidal microlens array,” 2012 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology, 台南,十一月八日至十一月九日,2012年。
2012Jeng-Feng Lin, Chih-Chieh Kang, Pei-Chiang Kao, “The analysis of light absorption and extraction of InGaN LEDs,” 2012 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology, 台南,十一月八日至十一月九日,2012年。
2012康智傑、林正峰、何承舫、蔡名峙、吳育昌、曾世福,“光學膜開發的簡易測試模型—視角輝度增益量測, ” 2012台灣顯示科技研討會,國立中興大學,台中,四月十七日至四月十八日,2012年。
2012康智傑、林正峰、董冠璋、蔡名峙、陳敘倫、陳慶育、莊鎧銘,“新型空腔側光式背光模組實驗原型設計與製作, ” 2012台灣顯示科技研討會,國立中興大學,台中,四月十七日至四月十八日,2012年。
2011Chih-Chieh Kang, Jeng-Feng Lin, Hong-Ze Li, Shi-Hu Zeng,A large-sized directional LED backlight unit with hollow cavity light guide,SID 2011(Display Week 2011)
2010 Chih-Chieh Kang, Jeng-Feng Lin, Cheng-Fang Ho, Wei-Cheng Cheng , Yu-Chang Wu1 and Ming-Chih Tsai,A simplified model of on-axis luminance gain measurement for novel optical film development in simulation, 2010 International Conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan(OPT'10)
2010 Jeng-Feng Lin, Chin-Chieh Kang, and Chih-Yang Liu,Design of 2.2-inch LED backlight units for brightness uniformity and reduction of hot-spot effect,2010 International Conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan(OPT'10)
2010 Jeng-Feng Lin, Chin-Chieh Kang, and Shih-Fu Tseng,Analytical haze simulation of optical films with 2D paraboloidal microlens array,2010 International Conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan(OPT'10)
2009 林正峰、曾世福、康智傑,光學膜霧度的模擬,OPT2009
2009 林正峰 謝耀文 康智傑,導光板上表面的粗糙化及光學模擬,OPT2009
2009 Shih-Cheng Yeh, Shao-Tun Chung, C. C. Kang, J. F. Lin,LED uniform surface light source with no light guide plate,2009 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology
2009 Chih-Chieh Kang, Jeng-Feng Lin, Cho-Wei Chen, Yu-Chang Wu,Virtual mechanism for displaying viewing angle related mura of a backlight unit in simulation, iMiD09 (The 9th International Meeting on Information Display)
2009 Chih-Chieh Kang, Jeng-Feng Lin, Jiun-Shian Yu, Cho-Wei Chen, Shi-Fu Zen,Optimal design of a double-side v-groove light guide plate in a LED backlight unit,ASID
2008 Jeng-Feng Lin, Yao-Wen Hsieh and Chin-Chieh Kang,Modeling and design of surface roughness to the top surface of the Parallel light guide plate of 3.5-inch backlight units for brightness uniformity,OPT2008(2008
2008 Jeng-Feng Lin, Ke-Jing Li, and Chih-Chieh Kang,Application of V-groove Structure on the Cover Glass of Thin-film Solar Cells to Reduce Surface Reflection,2008
2008 Chih-Chieh Kang, Jeng-Feng Lin, Yu-Chang Wu, Fang-Yi Chou, Jun-Zhi huang, Cho-Wei Chen,Study of bright fringes near the incident surface of a wedge-type light guide plate in an edge-type backlight unit,2008
2005 8. 林正峰及邱華楠,”設計繞射光學元件之模擬退火法的研究,” 2005台灣光電科技研討會,成功大學,台南,十二月,2005年,論文編號PD-FR1-16
2005 Jeng-Feng Lin and Shih-Kun Lin, ”Effects of radius of air rods in two-dimensional photonic crystals optimized for large full bandgaps,” 2005 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology,南台科技大學,台南,十一月,2005年,p193-194,論文編號PD005。
2003 Jeng-Feng Lin and Shih-Kun Lin, ”Optimization of the photonic band gap of two-dimensional photonic crystals of triangular lattice,” 2003奈米國際科技研討會,南台科技大學,台南,十一月,2003年,p237-238。
2003 Jeng-Feng Lin and Shih-Kun Lin, ”Optimization of the photonic band gap of two-dimensional photonic crystals of square lattice,” 2003台灣光電科技研討會,台北,十二月,2003年。
2002 林正峰及杜彥錫,”消色差複合式透鏡繞射效率的模擬,” 第十七屆全國技術及職業教育研討會(4/2002),論文編號為工B064,p949-958。
2002 H. N. Chiu and Jeng-Feng Lin, ”Study of the simulated annealing algorithm for the design of diffractive optical elements,” 2002 物理學會年會,二月,物理雙月刊二十四卷一期(摘要)。
2002 Y. S. Do, Jeng-Feng Lin, and H. N. Chiu, “Design and modeling of the hybrid achromatic lens,” 2002 物理學會年會,二月,物理雙月刊二十四卷一期(摘要)。
2002 林正峰,林世堃及杜彥錫,” 消色差複合式透鏡之模擬與分析,”2002台灣光電科技研討會,台北,十二月,論文集III,p433-435。
2001 Jeng-Feng Lin, “Verification and comparison of two efficiency limits of spatially quantized Fourier-type periodic diffractive optical elements,” 2001台灣光電科技研討會,高雄,十二月,p1158-1160。

2011 DOE光學元件設計
2011 繞射光學元件設計
2011 100年度補助技專校院建立特色典範計畫-綠能智慧電動車研發暨人才培育計畫-子計畫3 綠能與照明技術
2010 2010台灣光電科技研討會暨國科會光電學門成果發表會
2010 背光模組光學元件之設計與製作方法
2010 Touchsensor光學模擬
2009 經濟部學界開發產業技術計畫補助契約-具特殊微結構之滾筒模仁製作技術開發與其應用三年計畫
2009 光學膜上半球形結構隨機排列的方法
2008 具特殊微結構之滾筒模仁製作技術開發與其應用

2003 二維光子晶體能帶結構的設計
2001 複合透鏡繞射面所生雜散光之效應及模擬
2000 傅氏繞射光學元件的繞射效率上限

2010 非球面微結構之多功能光學膜的設計、劉智揚
2010 LED側光式無導光板背光模組應用於 3D顯示器之研究、李鴻澤
2009 多功能光學膜的設計及模擬、曾世福
2008 應用玻璃表面的V溝結構提高薄膜太陽能電池效率、李科靚
2008 導光板上表面粗糙化及其在出光均勻化的應用、謝耀文
2007 車輛頭燈設計流程典型範例、張文昇
2007 直下式背光模組擴散板設計最佳化、徐筵晉
2007 平板背光模組之品味分析及優化處理、羅益榮
2007 發光二極體背光模組之導光板入光側縱溝微結構最佳化設計、張智傑
2007 監視器用擴散型導光板之開發與研究、黃峻浩
2007 背光模組燈管與燈罩光學設計模擬、楊秉純
2007 擴散板對LED混光影響之研究、吳宜甄
2007 直下式背光模組輝度均齊度改善、陳明
2007 擴散式LED光源之LENS設計、江宗儒
2007 背光模組導光板入光側亮暗紋處理及研究、周芳毅
2007 側邊式背光模組光學模擬與量測、蔡建昇

2013InGaN/GaN LED各層吸收的分析