

姓    名 李明倫 職    稱 教授
校 內 分 機   ( 06 )-2533131 # 3630
 研 究 室  Q203-1
E - mail   minglun@stust.edu.tw
最 高 學 歷   成功大學 / 電機博士
研 究 領 域  半導體製程技術、光電元件、光電半導體材料


2021Chun-Lin Su, Kogularasu Sakthivel, Yu-Tsun Yao, Po-Hsun Liao, Ming-Lun Lee, and Jinn-Kong Sheu,” Effect of KOH-Treatment at Sol-gel Derived NiOx Film on GaN Photoanodes in Hydrogen Generation”, ACS Applied Energy Materials, Vol. 4, No. 8, pp. 8030−8035 
2021Chi Wing Lee, Feng-Wu Lin, Po-Hsun Liao, Ming-Lun Lee and Jinn-Kong Sheu, ” Stable Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting using p-n GaN Junction Decorated with Nickel Oxides as Photoanodes” J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 125, No.  30, pp. 16776–16783
2020Huang-Kai Wang, Sakthivel Kogularasu, Po-Hsun Liao, Yu-Tsun Yao, Ming-Lun Lee, Jinn-Kong Sheu*, “NiOx Nanoparticles as Active Water Splitting Catalysts for the Improved Photostability of a n-GaN Photoanode”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol.216, pp 110723
2020Ming-Lun Lee, Ching-Hua Chen and Jinn-Kong Sheu*,”Al0.3Ga0.7N/GaN heterostructure transistors with a regrown p-GaN gate formed with selective-area Si implantation as the regrowth mask”, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 124, 114367
2020Jinn-Kong Sheu*, Po-Hsun Liao, Yen-Cheng Lee, Huang-Kai Wang, and Ming-Lun Lee*,” Photoelectrochemical Generation of Hydrogen and Formic Acid Using GaN Films Decorated With TiO2/Ag Nanoparticles Composite Structure as Photoelectrodes” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124, 17, 9591-9598
2020Ming-Lun Lee, Po-Hsun Liao, Hsin-Yan Cheng, Wei-Yu Yen, and Jinn-Kong Sheu*, “UV light-emitting diodes grown on GaN templates with selective-area Si implantation”, Optics Express, 28, No.4, 4674-4685
2019Ming-Lun Lee, Po-Hsun Liao, Guan-Lun Li, Hung-Wei Chang, Chi-Wing Lee & Jinn-Kong Sheu*, “Enhanced production rates of hydrogen generation and carbon dioxide reduction using aluminum gallium nitride/gallium nitride heteroepitaxial films as photoelectrodes in seawater”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol.202, pp 110153–90
2019Ming-Lun Lee, Shih-Sian Wang, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Po-Hsun Liao, and Jinn-Kong Sheu*,” Light-emitting diodes with surface gallium nitride p–n homojunction structure formed by selective area regrowth”, Scientific Reports, 9, 3243
2019Fu-Bang Chen, Kai-Lun Chi, Wei-Yu Yen, Jinn-Kong Sheu*, Ming-Lun Lee, Jin-Wei Shi,” Investigation on Modulation Speed of Photon-recycling White Light-emitting Diodes with Vertical-conduction Structure”, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 37, No. 4, 1225-1230

Ming-Lun Lee, Feng-Wen Huang, Po-Cheng Chen, and Jinn-Kong Sheu, ” GaN intermediate band solar cells with Mn-doped absorption layer”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, Article number: 8641 (2018) (IF: 4.609 )

201895. Ya-Hsuan Shih, Jih-Yuan Chang, Yen-Kuang Kuo, Fang-Ming Chen, Man-Fang Huang, Ming-Lun Lee, and Jinn-Kong Sheu*,”Design of GaN-Based Multi-Color Tunnel-Junction Light-Emitting Diodes” , IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices ,  Vol. 65, No. 1, pp.165-171, Jan. (2018)
201794. Jinn-Kong Sheu*, Po-Hsun Liao, Hsin-Yan Cheng, and Ming-Lun Lee,”Photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation from water using undoped GaN with selective-area Si-implanted stripes as photoelectrodes”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 22625-22630 (2017)
201793. M.L. Lee, Y.H. Yeh, Z.Y. Liu, K.J. Chiang, J.K. Sheu,” Planar GaN-Based Blue Light-Emitting Diodes With Surface pn Junction Formed by Selective-Area Si-Ion Implantation”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Device, Vol.64, No.10, 4156 - 4160 (2017)
201792. Yen-Kuang Kuo, Ya-Hsuan Shih, Jih-Yuan Chang, Wei-Chih Lai, Heng Liu, Fang-Ming Chen, Ming-Lun Lee, Jinn-Kong Sheu*, ” Monolithic stacked blue light-emitting diodes with polarization-enhanced tunnel junctions”, Optics Express, Vol.25, No.16, A777-784 (2017)
201791. J. K. Sheu, P. H. Liao, T.C. Huang, K.J. Chiang, W. C. Lai and M. L. Lee,”InGaN-based epitaxial films as photoelectrodes for hydrogen generation through water photoelectrolysis and CO 2 reduction to formic acid” , Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol.166, pp 86–90 (2017)
201790.Yen-Kuang Kuo, Ya-Hsuan Shih, Jih-Yuan Chang, Fang-Ming Chen, Ming-Lun Lee, and Jinn-Kong Sheu*,” Theoretical Investigation of Efficient Green Tunnel-Junction Light-Emitting Diodes” IEEE Electron Device Letters Vol.38(1), pp.75-78(2017)
201689. Jinn-Kong Sheu, Po-Cheng Chen, Cheng-Lun Shin, Ming-Lun Lee, Po-Hsun Liao, and Wei-Chih Lai, ”Manganese-doped AlGaN/GaN heterojunction solar cells with intermediate band absorption” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 157, December 2016, Pages 727–732 (2016) (IF: 4.784 )
201688. Jinn-Kong Sheu, Po-Cheng Chen, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Shih-Hsun Kuo, Ming-Lun Lee, Po-Hsun Liao and Wei-Chih Lai “Mask-free regrowth of GaN p-i-n structure on selective-area Si-implanted n-GaN template layer” ACTA Materialia, Vol.108, pp.17-25 (2016) (IF: 5.301 )
201687. Ya-Hsuan Shih, Jih-Yuan Chang, Jinn-Kong Sheu*, Yen-Kuang Kuo, Fang-Ming Chen, Ming-Lun Lee, and Wei-Chih Lai“ Design of Hole Blocking and Electron Blocking Layers in AlxGa1-xN-based UV Light-Emitting Diodes” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , Vol. 63, No. 3, pp.1141-1147 (2016) (IF: 2.605 )
201686. Fu-Bang Chen, Jinn-Kong Sheu*,Wei-Yu Yen, Yen-Chin Wang, Shih-Hsien Huang,  Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Chih-Chiang Chang and Ming-Lun Lee” GaN-based UV light-emitting diodes with a green indicator through selective-area photon recycling” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp.1122-1127 (2016) (IF: 2.605 )
201585. Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Jinn-Kong Sheu*, Ming-Lun Lee, Wei-Yu Yen, Li-Chi Peng, Chun-Yi Yeh, Po-Hsun Liao, Po-Cheng Chen, and Wei-Chih Lai,” Vertical GaN-based LEDs with naturally textured surface formed by patterned sapphire substrate with self-assembled Ag nanodots as etching mask”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, VOL. 62, NO. 9, Sept. pp.2919-2923 (2015) (IF: 2.605 )
201584. Ming-Lun Lee, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Shang-Ju Tu, P. C. Chen, Wei-Chih Lai, and Jinn-Kong Sheu” White emission from non-planar InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs grown on GaN template with truncated hexagonal pyramids” OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 23, No. 7 A401-A412(2015) (IF: 3.307 )
201583. Jinn-Kong Sheu*, Fu-Bang Chen, Wei-Yu Yen, Yen-Chin Wang, Chun-Nan Liu, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, and Ming-Lun Lee “GaN-based photon-recycling green light-emitting diodes with vertical-conduction structure”, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 23, No. 7 A371-A381(2015) (2015/04) (IF: 3.307 )
201582. Jinn-Kong Sheu, Fu-Bang Chen, Yen-Chin Wang, Chih-Chiang Chang, Shih-Hsien Huang, Chun-Nan Liu, and Ming-Lun Lee,” Warm-white light-emitting diode with high color rendering index fabricated by combining trichromatic InGaN emitter with single redphosphor”, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 23, No. 7 A232-A239(2015) (IF: 3.307 )
201481. Jinn-Kong Sheu, Ming-Lun Lee and Yu-Cheng Lin,” Surface plasmon-enhanced GaN metal–insulator–semiconductor ultraviolet detectors with Ag nanoislands embedded in a silicon dioxide gate layer” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol.20, No.6, pp. 3801005 (2014) (IF: 3.971 )
201480. Ming-Lun Lee*, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Kuo-Hua Chang, Po Cheng Chen, Wei-Chih Lai, and Jinn-Kong Sheu,” Selective Growth of AlGaN-Based p-i-n UV Photodiodes Structures”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol.20, No.6, pp. 3802705 (2014) (IF: 3.971 )
201479. Jinn-Kong Sheu, Fu-Bang Chen, Shou-Hung Wu, Ming-Lun Lee, Po-Cheng Chen, and Yu-Hsiang Yeh,“ Vertical InGaN-based green-band solar cells operating under high solar concentration up to 300 suns”, Optics Express, Vol. 22, Issue S5, pp. A1222-A1228 (2014) (IF: 3.307 )
201378. Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Jinn-Kong Sheu*, Ming-Lun Lee, Po-Cheng Chen, Yu-Chen Yang, Cheng-Hsiung Yen and Wei-Chih Lai,” InGaN flip-chip light-emitting diodes with embedded air voids as light-scattering layer”, IEEE Electron Device Letters,  Vol. 34   Issue: 12, pp.1542-1544 (2013)(IF: 3.048 )
201377. Shu-Yen Liu, J. K. Sheu*, Yu-Chuan Lin, Yu-Tong Chen, S. J. Tu, M. L. Lee, and W. C. Lai,” InGaN working electrodes with assisted bias generated from GaAs solar cells for efficient water splitting”, Optics Express, Vol. 21, Issue S6, pp. A991-A996 (2013) (IF: 3.307 )
201376. Jinn-Kong Sheu, Feng-Wen Huang, Chia-Hui Lee, Ming-Lun Lee, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Po-Cheng Chen and Wei-Chih Lai” Improved conversion efficiency of GaN-based solar cells with Mn-doped absorption layer” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 103, Issue 6, 063906 (2013/08/05) (IF: 3.411 )
201375. Ming-Lun Lee, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Shang-Ju Tu, P.C.Chen, Ming-Jui Wu, Wei-Chih Lai, and Jinn-Kong Sheu,“ Dual-wavelength GaN-based LEDs grown on truncated hexagonal pyramids formed by selective-area regrowth on Si-implanted GaN templates”, Optics Express, Vol. 21, Issue S5, pp. A864-A871 (2013) (IF: 3.307 )
201374. Kai-Lun Chi, Shu-Ting Yeh, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Kun-Yan Lin, Jin-Wei Shi, Yuh-Renn Wu, Ming Lun Lee, and Jinn-Kong Sheu” GaN-Based Dual-Color LEDs With p -Type Insertion Layer for Controlling the Ratio of Two-Color Intensities”  IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol.60, No.9, pp.2821~ 2826 (2013) (IF: 2.605 )
201373. Jinn-Kong Sheu, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Shang-Ju Tu, Ming-Lun Lee, P.C.Chen and Wei-Chih Lai,” Improved output power of GaN-based blue LEDs by forming air voids on Ar-implanted sapphire substrate”, Journal of Lightwave Technology”, Vol.31, No.8, pp.1318-1322(2013)  (IF: 3.671 )
201372. Jinn-Kong Sheu, Feng-Wen Huang, Yu-Hsuan Liu, P.C.Chen, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Ming-Lun Lee and Wei-Chih Lai,” Photoresponses of manganese-doped gallium nitride grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 102, No. 7, 071107-1~071107-3 (2013) (IF: 3.411 )
201271. Jinn-Kong Sheu*, Shang-Ju Tu, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Ming-Lun Lee, and Wei-Chih Lai, “Gallium nitride-based light-emitting diodes with embedded air voids grown on Ar-implanted AlN/sapphire substrate” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, No. 15, pp. 151103-1~151103-4 (2012) (IF: 3.411 )
201270. Chi, Kai-Lun ; Shi, Jin-Wei ; Jang, C. H. ; Kivisaari, Pyry; Oksanen, Jani; Tulkki, Jukka ; Lee, M. L.; Sheu, J. K.,” Carrier Dynamics in High-Efficiency Blue GaN Light-Emitting Diodes Under Different Bias Currents and Temperatures”, IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol.4, No. 5, pp. 1870-1880 (2012)
201269. Shu-Yen Liu, J. K. Sheu,* Yu-Chuan Lin, S. J. Tu, F. W. Huang, M. L. Lee, and W. C. Lai,” Mn-doped GaN as photoelectrodes for the photoelectrolysis of water under visible light”, Optics Express, Vol. 20, Issue S5, pp.A678-A683 (2012)
201268. Ming-Lun Lee*, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, and Shang-Ju Tu, ” Solar-Blind p-i-n Photodetectors Formed on SiO2-Patterned n-GaN Templates”, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Vol. 48, No. 10, pp. 1305–1309 (2012)
201267. Shang-Ju Tu, Ming-Lun Lee, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Feng-Wen Huang, Po-Cheng Chen, Wei-Chih Lai,Chung-Wei Chen, Gou Chung Chi, and Jinn-Kong Sheu*, ” Improved Output Power of InGaN LEDs by Lateral Overgrowth on Si-Implanted n-GaN Surface to Form Air Gaps”, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Vol. 48, Iss. 8, pp. 1004-1009 (2012)
201266. Y.C. Yang, Jinn-Kong Sheu*, Ming-Lun Lee, Che-Kang Hsu, Shang-Ju Tu, Shu-Yen Liu, C.C. Yang, Feng-Wen Huang, ” Vertical InGaN light-emitting diodes with Ag paste as bonding layer”, MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY, Vol. 52, Iss. 5, pp. 949-951 (2012)   
201265. Feng-Wen Huang, Jinn-Kong Sheu*, Shang-Ju Tu, Po-Cheng Chen, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Ming-Lun Lee, Wei-Chih Lai, Wen-Che Tsai, and Wen-Hao Chang,” Optical properties of Mn in regrown GaN-based epitaxial layers” Optical Materials Express, Vol. 2 Iss. 4 pp. 469-477 (2012)
201263. Shu-Yen Liu, J. K. Sheu*, M. L. Lee, Yu-Chuan Lin, S. J. Tu,1 F. W. Huang, and W. C. Lai, ”Immersed finger-type indium tin oxide ohmic contacts on p-GaN photoelectrodes for photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation”, Optics Express Vol. 20, Iss. S2, pp. A190–A196  (2012)
 201262. Y.C. Yang, Jinn-Kong Sheu*, Ming-Lun Lee, Shang-Ju Tu, Feng-Wen Huang, Wei-Chih Lai, Schang Jing Hon, and Tsun Kai Ko, “Vertical InGaN light-emitting diodes with a sapphire-face-up structure”, Optics Express Vol. 20, Iss. 1, 119-124 (2012)
201161. Liang-Jyi Yan, Cheng Huang Kuo, Jinn-Kong Sheu*, Ming-Lun Lee, Wei-Chun Tseng, “Non-alloyed Cr/Au Ohmic contacts to N-face and Ga-face n-GaN“ Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.516, pp.38-40 (2011)
201160. Feng-Wen Huang, Jinn-Kong Sheu*, Ming-Lun Lee, Shang-Ju Tu, Wei-Chih Lai, Wen-Che Tsai , and Wen-Hao Chang,” Linear photon up-conversion of 450 meV in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells via Mn-doped GaN intermediate band photodetection”, Optics Express Vol. 19, Iss. S6, A1211-1218 (2011)
201159. Shu-Yen Liu, Yu-Chuan Lin, Jhao-Cheng Ye, S. J. Tu, F. W. Huang, M. L. Lee, W. C. Lai and J. K. Sheu*,” Hydrogen gas generation using n-GaN photoelectrodes with immersed Indium Tin Oxide ohmic contacts” Optics Express Vol. 19, Iss. S6, A1196-1201 (2011)
201157. J. K. Sheu, S. J. Tu, M. L. Lee, Y. H. Yeh, C. C. Yang, F. W. Huang, W. C. Lai, C. W. Chen, and G. C. Chi,” Enhanced Light Output of GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes With Embedded Voids Formed on Si-Implanted GaN Layers” IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, VOL. 32, NO. 10, pp.1400-1401 (2011)
201156. C. H. Jang, J. K. Sheu*, S. J. Chang, M. L. Lee, C. C. Yang, S. J. Tu, F. W. Huang, and C. K. Hsu,” Effect of Growth Pressure of Undoped GaN Layer on the ESD Characteristics of GaN-Based LEDs Grown on Patterned Sapphire” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, VOL. 23, NO. 14, JULY 15, pp.968-970,2011 (2011)
201155. Chih-Ciao Yang, C. H. Jang, Jinn-Kong Sheu* ,Ming-Lun Lee, Shang-Ju Tu, Feng-Wen Huang, Yu-Hsiang Yeh and Wei-Chih Lai, “Characteristics of InGaN-based concentrator solar cells operating under 150X solar concentration” Optics Express, Vol. 19, Issue S4, pp. A695-A700 (2011)
201154. Ming-Lun Lee*, T. S. Mue, F.W. Huang, J. H. Yang, and J. K. Sheu,” High-performance GaN metal–insulator–semiconductor ultraviolet photodetectors using gallium oxide as gate layer” Optics Express Vol. 19, Iss. 13, pp. 12658–12663 (2011)
201153. Shang-Ju Tu, Jinn-Kong Sheu*, Ming-Lun Lee, Chih-Ciao Yang, Kuo-Hua Chang, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Feng-Wen Huang, and Wei-Chih Lai,” Enhanced output power of GaN-based LEDs with embedded AlGaN pyramidal shells” Optics Express Vol. 19, Iss. 13, pp. 12719–12726 (2011)
201152. Che-Kang Hsu; Jinn-Kong Sheu; Jia-Kuen Wang; Ming-Lun Lee; Kuo-Hua Chang; Shang-Ju Tu; Wei-Chih Lai” Characteristics of Slice InGaN/GaN Light Emitting Diodes by Focused Ion Beam Milling” Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 14, H343 (2011)
201151. Shi, Jin-Wei, Kuo, F. -M., Huang, H. -W., Sheu, Jinn-Kong, Yang, Chih-Ciao, Lai, Wei-Chih, Lee, Ming-Lung,” The Influence of a Piezoelectric Field on the Dynamic Performance of GaN-Based Green Light-Emitting Diodes With an InGaN Insertion Layer”, IEEE Electron Device Letter,  Vol. 32   Issue: 5   Pages: 656-658(2011)
201150. Shi, Jin-Wei; Huang, H-W ; Kuo, F-M ; Lai, W-C ; Lee, Ming-Lun, and Jinn-Kong Sheu,” Investigation of the Carrier Dynamic in GaN-Based Cascade Green Light-Emitting Diodes Using the Very Fast Electrical-Optical Pump-Probe Technique”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,  Vol.58, No.2, PP.495-500 (2011)
2010L.J. Yan, J. K. Sheu, F. W. Huang and M. L. Lee,Polarized edge emission from GaN-based light-emitting diodes sandwiched by dielectric/metal hybrid reflectors,JJournal of Applied Physics, vol.108 ,no.11 ,pp113102-1~113102-5,2010
2010Shu-Yen Liu, J. K. Sheu, Jhao-Cheng Ye, S.J.Tu, Che-Kang Hsu, M. L. Lee, C. H. Kuo and W.C. Lai,Characterization of n-GaN with Naturally Textured Surface for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Generation,Journal of The Electrochemical Society, vol.157 ,no.12 ,H1106-H1109,2010
2010Jinn-Kong Sheu, Kuo-Hua Chang, Shang-Ju Tu, Ming-Lun Lee, Chih-Ciao Yang, Che-Kang Hsu, and Wei-Chih Lai,InGaN light-emitting diodes with oblique sidewall facets formed by selective growth on SiO2 patterned GaN film,Optics Express, vol.18 ,no.s4 ,A562–A567,2010
2010Ming-Lun. Lee, T. S. Mue, J. K. Sheu, K.H. Chang, S. J. Tu, and T. H. Hsueh,Effect of Thermal Annealing on the GaN Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitors with Gallium Oxide Gate Layer,Journal of The Electrochemical Society, vol.157 ,no.11 ,H1019-H1022,2010
2010C. C. Yang, J. K. Sheu, Xin-Wei. Liang, Min-Shun. Huang, M. L. Lee, K. H. Chang, S. J. Tu, Feng-Wen. Huang, and W. C. Lai,Enhancement of The Conversion Efficiency of GaN-Based Photovoltaic Devices with AlGaN/InGaN Absorption Layers,Applied Physics Letters, vol.97 ,no.2 ,021113-1~021113-3,2010
2010Shi, Jin-Wei, Huang, H. -W., Kuo, F. -M., Sheu, J. K., Lai, W. -C., Lee, M. L.,Very-High Temperature (200 degrees C) and High-Speed Operation of Cascade GaN-Based Green Light-Emitting Diodes With an InGaN Insertion Layer,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol.22 ,no.14 ,pp1033-1035,2010
2010Kuo-Hua Chang, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Ming-Lun Lee, Shang-Ju Tu, Chih-Ciao Yang, Huan-Shao Kuo, J. H. Yang , Wei-Chih Lai,Inverted Al0.25Ga0.75N/GaN ultraviolet p-i-n photodiodes formed on p-GaN template layer grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol.97 ,no.013502 ,013502-1~013502-3,2010
2010Chung-Hsun Jang, Jinn-Kong Sheu, C. M. Tsai, Shoou-jinn Chang, Wei-Chih Lai, Ming-Lun Lee, T. K. Ko, C. F. Shen, and S.C.Shei,Improved Performance of GaN-Based Blue LEDs with the InGaN Insertion Layer Between the MQW Active Layer and the n-GaN Cladding Layer,IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol.46 ,no.4 ,pp513-517,2010
2010S. H. Tu, C. J. Lan, S.H. Wang, M. L. Lee*, K.H.Chang, R. M. Lin, J. Y. Chang and J. K. Sheu,InGaN gallium nitride light-emitting diodes with reflective electrode pads and textured gallium-doped ZnO contact layer,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol.96 ,no.133504 ,133504-1~133504-3,2010
2010Liang-Jyi Yan, Chih-Chiao Yang, Ming-Lun Lee, Shang-Ju Tu ,Chih-Sung Chang and Jinn-Kong Sheu,AlGaInP/GaP Heterostructures Bonded with Si Substrate to Serve as Solar Cells and Light Emitting Diodes,Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol.157 ,no.4 ,H452-H454,2010
2009Shu-Yen Liu, J. K. Sheu, Chun-Kai Tseng, Jhao-Cheng Ye, K.H. Chang, M. L. Lee and W.C. Lai,Improved hydrogen gas generation rate of n-GaN photoelectrode with SiO2 protection layer on the Ohmic contacts from the electrolyte,Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol.157 ,no.2 ,B266-B268,2009
2009C. M. Tsai, J. K. Sheu, W.C. Lai , M. L. Lee, S. J. Chang , C. S. Chang, T. K. Ko and C. F. Shen,GaN-based LEDs output power improved by textured GaN/sapphire interface using in-situ SiH4 treatment process during epitaxial growth,IEEE Journal of Selected topics in Quantum Electronics, vol.15 ,no.4 ,pp1275-1280,2009
2009J. K. Sheu, K.H. Chang, M. L. Lee, J. F. Huang, K. S. Kang, W. L. Wang, W. C. Lai and T. H. Hsueh,Characterization of gallium-doped zinc oxide contact on n-type gallium nitride epitaxial layers,Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol.156 ,no.8 ,H679-H683,209
2009Jin-Kong Sheu, Chih-Ciao Yang, Shang-Ju Tu, Kuo-Hua Chang, Ming-Lun Lee , Wei-Chih Lai, Li-Chi Peng,Demonstration of GaN-based solar cells with GaN/InGaN superlattice absorption layers,IEEE Electron Device Letter, vol.30 ,no.3 ,pp225-227,2009
2009M. L. Lee*, Ping-Feng Chi and J. K. Sheu,Photodetectors formed by an indium tin oxide/zinc oxide/p-type gallium nitride heterojunction with high ultraviolet-to-visible rejection ratio,Applied Physics Letters, vol.94 ,no.1 ,pp013512-1~013512-3,2009
200833.J. K. Sheu, K. H. Chang and M. L. Lee,Ultraviolet band-pass photodetectors formed by Ga-doped ZnO contacts to GaN ,Applied Physics Letters ,vol.11 ,no.92 ,pp.113512-1~113512-3 ,2008
2008M. L. Lee, J. K. Sheu and Yung-Ru Shu,32. Ultraviolet bandpass Al0.17Ga0.83N/GaN heterojunction phototransistors with high optical gain and high rejection ratio ,Applied Physics Letters ,vol.5 ,no.92 ,pp.053506-1~.053506-3 ,2008
2008J. K. Sheu, K. H. Chang , M. L. Lee,Ultraviolet band-pass photodetectors formed by Ga-doped ZnO contacts to GaN,Applied Physics Letters, vol.92 ,no.11 ,pp113512-1~113512-3,2008
2008J. K. Sheu, M. L. Lee, Y. S. Lu, and K. W. Shu,Ga-Doped ZnO Transparent Conductive Oxide Films Applied to GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes for Improving Light Extraction Efficiency,IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol.12 ,no.44 ,pp.1211-1218,2008
2008J. K. Sheu, I. Hsiu Hung, W. C. Lai, S. C. Shei and M. L. Lee,Enhancement in output power of blue gallium nitride-based light-emitting diodes with omnidirectional metal reflector under electrode pads,Applied Physics Letters, vol.10 ,no.93 ,103507-1~103507-3,2008
2008M. L. Lee, J. K. Sheu, Yung-Ru Shu,Ultraviolet bandpass Al0.17Ga0.83N/GaN heterojunction phototransistors with high optical gain and high rejection ratio,Applied Physics Letters, vol.92 ,no.5 ,pp053506-1~.053506-3,2008
2007M. L. Lee, J. K. Sheu, and C. C Hu,Nonalloyed Cr-Au-based Ohmic contacts to n-GaN ,Applied Physics Letters ,vol.18 ,no.91 ,pp.182106-1~182106-3 ,2007
2007 29. J. K. Sheu, K. W. Shu, M. L. Lee, C. J. Tun and G. C. Chi,Effect of Thermal Annealing on Ga-doped ZnO Films Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering ,Journal of The Electrochemical Society ,vol.154 ,no.6 ,pp.H521-H524 ,2007
200730. J. K. Sheu, Y. S. Lu, M. L. Lee, Wei-Chih Lai, C. H. Kuo and Chun-Ju Tun,Enhanced efficiency of GaN-based light-emitting diodes with periodic textured Ga-doped ZnO transparent contact layer ,Applied Physics Letters ,vol.90 ,no.26 ,pp.263511-1~263511-3 ,2007
2007 28.M. L. Lee and J. K. Sheu,GaN-based Ultraviolet p-i-n Photodiodes with Buried p-layer Structure Grown by MOVPE ,Journal of the Electrochemical Society ,vol.154 ,no.3 ,pp.H182~H184 ,2007
2006 27. M. C. Chen, J. K. Sheu, M. L. Lee, C. J. Tun, and G. C. Chi,Improved Performance of Planar GaN-based p-i-n Photodetectors with Mg-implanted Isolation Ring ,Applied Physics Letters ,vol.89 ,no.18 ,pp.183509-1-183509-3 ,2006
2006 26. Ko TK, Chang SJ, Sheu JK, Shei SC, Chiou YZ, Lee ML, Shen CF, Chang SP, Lin KW,AlGaN/GaN Schottky-barrier UV-B bandpass photodetectors with ITO contacts and LT-GaN cap layers ,SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ,vol.21 ,no.8 ,pp.1064-1068 ,2006
2006 24. M. C. Chen, J. K. Sheu, M. L. Lee, C. J. Kao, C. J. Tun, and G. C. Chi,Planar ultra-violet photodetectors formed by Si implantation into p-GaN ,Journal of the Electrochemical Society ,vol.193 ,no.9 ,pp.799-801 ,2006
2006 25. M. C. Chen, J. K. Sheu, M. L. Lee, C. J. Kao, and G. C. Chi, 2006,Planar GaN p-i-n photodiodes with n+-conductive channel formed by Si implantation ,Applied Physics Letters ,vol.88 ,pp.203508-1-203508-3 ,2006
2006 23. Shih-Chang Shei , Chi-Ming Tsai, Jinn-Kong Sheu,Wei-Chi Lai , Ming-Lun Lee, and Cheng-Huang Kuo,Emission Mechanism of Mixed-color InGaN/GaNMulti-quantum Well Light-emitting Diodes ,Jpn. J. Applied Physics ,vol.145 ,no.4A ,pp.2463-2466 ,2006
2006 22. J. K. Sheu, C. M. Tsai, M. L. Lee, S. C .Shei and W. C. Lai,InGaN light-emitting diodes with naturally formed truncated micropyramids on top surface ,Applied Physics Letters ,vol.88 ,pp.113505-1-113505-3 ,2006
2006 21. C. J. Tun, J. K. Sheu, M. L. Lee, C. C. Hu, C. K. Hsieh and G. C. Chi ,Journal of the Electrochemical Society. ,vol.153 ,no.4 ,pp.296-298 ,2006
200618. Chun-Ju Tun , Jinn-Kong Sheu, Bao-Jen Pong, Min-Lum Lee, Ming-Yu Lee, Cheng-Kang Hsieh, Ching-Chung Hu, and Gou-Chung Chi,Enhanced light output of GaN-based power LEDs with transparent Al-doped ZnO current spreading layer ,IEEE. Photon. Technol. Lett. ,vol.18 ,no.1 ,pp.274-276 ,2006
200619.J. K. Sheu, M. L. Lee, C. J. Tun, S.W. Lin,Ultraviolet band-pass Schottky barrier photodetectors formed by Al-doped ZnO contacts to n-GaN ,Appl. Phys. Lett. ,vol.88 ,pp.043506-1-043506-3 ,2006
2006 20.M. L. Lee, J. K. Sheu, and S. W. Lin,Schottky barrier heights of metal contacts to n-type gallium nitride with low-temperature-grown cap layer ,Applied Physics Letters ,vol.88 ,pp.032103-1-032103-3 ,2006
200515.J. K. Sheu, S. S. Chen, M. L. Lee, W. C. Lai, W. H. Chang, and G. C. Chi,Effects of thermal annealing on Si-implanted GaN films grown at low temperature by metal-organic vapor-phase ,Journal of the Electrochemical Society ,vol.152 ,no.11 ,pp.813-815 ,2005
200517. C. J. Kao, M. C. Chen, C.J. Tun, G. C. Chi, J. K. Sheu, W. C. Lai, M. L. Lee, F.Ren and S.J.Pearton,Comparison of Low Temperature GaN/SiO2/Si3N4 as gate insulators on AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors ,Journal of Applied Physics ,vol.198 ,pp.064506-1-064506-3 ,2005
200514. J. K. Sheu, M. L. Lee, H. C. Tseng, W. C. Lai, and G. C. Chi,Rectifying characteristics of WSi0.8--GaN Schottky barrier diodes with a GaN cap layer grown at low temperature ,Journal of Applied Physics. ,vol.86 ,pp.036106- ,2005
200513. J. K. Sheu, M. L. Lee, and W. C. Lai, 2005,”Aluminum gallium nitride ultraviolet p-i-n photodiodes with buried p-layer structure,Aluminum gallium nitride ultraviolet photodiodes with buried p-layer structure ,Appl. Phys. Lett. ,vol.87 ,pp.043501-1-043501-3 ,2005
200516. T. K. Ko, S. J. Chang, Y. K. Su, M. L. Lee, C. S. Chang, Y. C. Lin, S. C. Shei, J. K. Sheu, W. S. Chen, and C. F. Shen,AlGaN-GaN Schottky-barrier photodetectors with LT GaN cap layers ,Journal of Crystal growth ,vol.283 ,pp.68-71 ,2005
200410. M. L. Lee, J. K. Sheu, Y. K. Su, S. J. Chang,W. C. Lai, and G. C. Chi,Reduction of dark current in AlGaN/GaN Schottky barrier photodetectors with a low-temperature-grown GaN cap layer ,IEEE Electron Device Letters ,vol.25 ,pp.593-595 ,2004
200411. C. J. Kao, J. K. Sheu, W. C. Lai , M. L. Lee, M. C. Chen and G. C. Chi,Effect of low-temperature-grown GaN cap layer on electrical properties of Al0.25Ga0.75N/GaN heterojunction field-effect transistors ,Appl. Phys. Lett. ,vol.85 ,pp.1430-1432 ,2004
200412. J. K. Sheu, M. L. Lee, and W. C. Lai,Effect of low-temperature-grown GaN cap layer on reduced leakage current of GaN Schottky diodes ,Appl. Phys. Lett. ,vol.86 ,pp.052103-1-052103-3 ,2004
2003J. K. Sheu, C. J. Kao, M. L. Lee, W. C. Lai, L. S. Yeh, G. C. Chi, S. J. Chang, Y. K. Su and J. M. Tsai,Low-dark current, high-sensitivity metal-semiconductor-metal ultraviolet photodetectors based on GaN with low-temperature GaN intermediate layer ,Journal Electronic Materials ,vol.32 ,pp.400-402 ,2003
20039. M. L. Lee, J. K. Sheu, W. C. Lai, S. J. Chang, Y. K. Su, M. G. Chen,C. J. Kao, J. M. Tsai and G. C. Chi,Characterizations of GaN Schottky barrier photodetectors with a highly-resistivity low-temperature GaN cap layer ,Journal Appl. Phys. ,vol.94 ,pp.1753-1757 ,2003
2003X. D. Chen, Y. Huang, S. Fung, C. D. Beling, C. C. Ling, J. K. Sheu, M. L. Lee,,Deep level defect in Si-implanted GaN n+-p junction ,Applied Physics Letters ,vol.82 ,pp.3671-3673 ,2003
2003S. J. Chang, M. L. Lee, J. K. Sheu, W. C. Lai, Y. K. Su, C. S. Chang, C. J. Kao, G. C. Chi, and J. M. Tsai,GaN Metal–Semiconductor–Metal Photodetectors With Low-Temperature-GaN Cap Layers and ITO Metal Contacts ,IEEE Electron Device Letters ,vol.24 ,pp.212-214 ,2003
20038. M. L. Lee, J. K. Sheu, W. C. Lai, S. J. Chang, Y. K. Su, M. G. Chen,C. J. Kao, J. M. Tsai and G. C. Chi,GaN Schottky barrier photodetectors with a low-temperature GaN cap layer ,Applied Physics Letters ,vol.82 ,no.17 ,pp.2913-2915 ,2003
2003L. S. Yeh, M. L. Lee, J. K. Sheu, M. G. Chen , C. J. Kao, G. C. Chi, S. J. Chang and Y. K. Su,Visible–blind GaN p–i–n photodiodes with an Al0.12Ga0.88N/GaN superlattice structure ,solid-state Electronics ,no.47 ,pp.873-878 ,2003
2002J. K. Sheu, M. L. Lee, L. S. Yeh, C. J. Kao, C. J. Tun, , M. J. Chen, G. C. Chi, S. J. Chang , Y. K. Su and C. T. Lee,Planar GaN n+-p photodetectors formed by Si implants into p-GaN ,Applied Physics Letters ,vol.81 ,no.22 ,pp.4263-4265 ,2002
2002J. K. Sheu, M. L. Lee , C. J. Tun, C. J. Kao, L. S. Yeh, C. C. Lee, and G. C. Chi,Characterization of Si implants in p-type GaN ,IEEE J. Selected topics in Quantum Electronics ,vol.18 ,no.4 ,pp.767-772 ,2002
2002M. L. Lee, J. K. Sheu, L. S. Yeh, M. S. Tsai, C. J. Kao, C. J. Tun, S. J. Chang and G. C. Chi,GaN p-n junction diode formed by Si ion implantation into p-GaN ,solid-state electronics ,vol.46 ,no.12 ,pp.2179-2183 ,2002

201755.  Po-Hsun Liao, Hsin-Yen Cheng, Ming-Lun Lee and Jinn-Kong Sheu, “UV LEDs grown on GaN templates with selective-area Si implantation for enhancing light output power”, Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference 2017 (OPTIC2017), December 7-9 , 2017, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
201652.  Kai-Jen Chiang, Po-Hsun Liao, Ming-Lun Lee*, Ching-Hua Chen, Yu-Hsiang Yeh and J.K.Sheu, “TI/AL/TI/AU OHMIC CONTACTS TO ALGAN/GAN HETEROSTRUCTURE WITH SI ION IMPLANTATION”, 2016 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology (2016 ISNST), October 6-7, 2016, Tainan, Taiwan.
201651.  Tai-Chieh Huang, Ming-Lun Lee and J. K. Sheu, “Effect of surface plasmon resonance on photoelectrolysis of water using GaN photoelectrodes with Ag nanodots coating”, SPIE Optics and Photonics 2016, Aug. 28~Sept. 1, 2016, San Diego, California.
201549.  Po-Cheng Chen, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Zong-Sheng Zheng, Ming-Lun Lee, Yu-Hsiang Yeh and Wei-Chih Lai, “Characterization of Mn-doped GaN intermediate band solar cells”, 11th International Conference On Nitride Semiconductors(ICNS-11), August 30th -September 4th , 2015, Beijing, China.
48.  Yun-Chorng Chang, Ming-Lun Lee, Wei-Chih Lai, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Shoou-Jinn Chang, “III-Nitride Nanorods for Applications in Green Technologies”, 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-Field Optics (APNFO10), July 7-10, 2015, Hokkaido, Japan.
45.   Y. Y. Chen, J. K. Sheu, W. C. Lai, and M. L. Lee, “Water Splitting Using Gallium Nitride Based Working Electrodes for Hydrogen Generation without Applying Bias”, 227th ECS Meeting, May 24-28 , 2015, Chicago, United States.
44.  Ching-Hua Chen, Ming-Lun Lee*,Chun-Jung Chang,Yu-Hsiang Yeh, “V/Al/Cr/Au Ohmic Contacts to N-type AlGaN”, Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference 2014(OPTIC2014), December 4-5 , 2014, Taichung, Taiwan.
201439.  Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Ming-Lun Lee, Chun-jung Chang , Po-Cheng Chen, Yu-Chen Yang, Cheng-Hsiung Yen, Wei-Chih Lai, ”  Improved light extraction of nitride-based flip-chip light-emitting diodes by forming air voids on Ar-implanted sapphire substrate” , SPIE Optics + Photonics 2014 , August 17-21, 2014, San Diego, California, United States
201438.  Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Ming-Lun Lee, Chun-jung Chang , Po-Cheng Chen, Yu-Chen Yang, Cheng-Hsiung Yen, Wei-Chih Lai, ”  InGaN Flip-Chip Light-Emitting Diodes with embedded air voids grown on Selective-area Ar-implanted AlN/sapphire substrate” ,  Conference on LED and Its Industrial Application ’14 (LEDIA ’14), April 22-24, 2014, Yokohama , Japan
201333.  Yu-Tong-Chen, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Ming-Lun Lee, and Wei-Chih Lai, ” Effect of Piezoelectric Field in (Al)GaN/InGaN heterostructures on efficiency of direct photoelectrolysis of water” , 10th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-10), August 25-30, 2013, Washington DC., USA
201232.  吳明叡, 郭仲豪, 李明倫*, “ 利用選擇性成長製作具有空隙陣列之氮化鎵發光二極體” Optics & Photonics Taiwan, International Conference 2012 (OPTIC 2012), December 6-8, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan.
201231.  Ming-Jui Wu, Ming-Lum Lee*, Chih-Ciao Yang, S.J.Tu, Y. Y. Hsiang, and Jinn-Kong Sheu, ”Ultraviolet band-pass GaN/AZO Schottky barrier photodetectors” , International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, 8-9
2012 J.-W. Shi, F.-M. Kuo, Che-Wei Lin, Wei Chen, M.L.Lee, L.-J. Yan, and J.-K. Sheu, “ Efficiency-Droop Mechanism in Vertical Red Light-Emitting Diodes Using Electrical-to-Optical Impulse Responses” SPIE Photonics West, 21-26 January 2012, San Francisco, California, USA.
2011郭仲豪、楊宗翰、葉育翔、李明倫*,"以Cr/Al雙層金屬電極取代Cr/Au雙層金屬電極在GaN-based p-i-n紫外光偵測器之研究",台灣真空學會 2011 年會, 2011/10/18,國立清華大學,新竹,台灣
2011 Chih-Ciao Yang, Jinn-Kong Sheu,Yu-Jheng Yang, Meng-Ting Chiang, Meng-Chieh Yang, Chia-Hui Li, Ming-Lun Lee and Wei-Chih Lai,Mechanisms of Photocarrier Loss in InGaN/sapphire Photovoltaic Devices,9th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-9)
2011 Shu-Yen Liu, Jhao-Cheng Ye, Yu-Chuan Lin, Meng-Chieh Yang, Ming-Lun Lee, Wei-Chih Lai and Jinn-Kong Sheu,Improved hydrogen gas generation rate by immersed finger-type indium tin oxide ohmic contacts on n-GaN photoelectrode,9th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-9)
2011 Chih-Ciao Yang, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Min-Shun Huang, Shang-Ju Tu, Feng-Wen Huang, Kuo-Hua Chang, Ming-Lun Lee and Wei-Chih Lai,Characteristics of InGaN/sapphire-based photovoltaic devices with different superlattice absorption layers and buffer layers,SPIE Photonice West 2011
2011 Shu-Yen Liu, Jhao-Cheng Ye, Yu-Chuan Lin, Kuo-Hua Chang, Ming-Lun Lee, Wei-Chih Lai, and Jinn-Kong Sheu,Enhanced hydrogen gas generation rate by n-GaN photoelectrode with immersed finger-type indium tin oxide ohmic contacts,SPIE Photonice West 2011
2010 Shu-Yen Liu , Yu-Chuan Lin, Chih-Ciao Yang, Ming-Lun Lee, Wei-Chih Lai, Jinn-Kong Sheu,Hydrogen generation from water splitting with GaN-based solar cells,2010 International Conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan(OPT'10)
2010 Feng-Wen Huang, Yu-Hsuan Liu, Ming-Lun Lee, J. H. Yang, W. C. Lai and Jinn-Kong Sheu,Characteristics of GaN p-i-n photodetectors with Mn-doped absorption layer,2010 International Conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan(OPT'10)
2010 Ming-Lun Lee, Yu-Hsiang Yeh and Chung-Han Yang,GaN-Based Characterization of p-i-n ultraviolet photodetectors with Cr/Al or Cr/Au metal electrodes,2010 International Conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan(OPT'10)
2010 Che-Kang. Hsu, Jinn-Kong. Sheu, Jia-Kuen.Wang, M. L. Lee, K. H. Chang, S. J. Tu and W. C. Lai,Characteristics of
2009 Shu-Yen Liu, Chun-Kai Tseng, Jhao-Cheng Ye, K-H Chang, M. L. Lee, W.C.Lai and J.K. Sheu,Direct hydrogen gas generation by n-GaN photoelectrode with SiO2 protection layer on the Ohmic contact from the electrolyte,8th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors
2009 Kuo-Hua Chang, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Ming-Lun Lee, Tao-Hung Hsueh, Chih-Ciao Yang, Kai-Shun Kang, Jing-Fong Huang, Li-Chi Peng, and Wei-Chih Lai,GZO/GaN Schottky barrier ultraviolet band-pass photodetector with a low-temperature-grown GaN cap layer,International conference on Solid-state Devices and Materials
2009 Chih-Ciao Yang, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Shang-Ju Tu, Chun-Kai Tseng, Min-Shun Huang,Kuo-Hua Chang, Tao-Hung Hsueh, Ming-Lun Lee, Li-Chi Peng, and Wei-Chih Lai,,Enhanced Photovoltaic Effects of InGaN-based Materials for Future Full-Solar-Spectrum Solar Cells,International conference on Solid-state Devices and Materials
2008 Jinn-Kong Sheu, Chih-Ciao Yang, Wei-Chih Lai, Kuo-Hua Chang, Li-Chi Peng, M. L. Lee and S.J. Tu,Design and Characterization of GaN-based Solar Cells with GaN/InGaN Superlattice Absorption Layers,OPT 2008
2005 M. L. Lee, H. H. Chen, J. K. Sheu, and W. C. Lai,"GaN-based Ultraviolet p-i-n Photodiodes with Buried tunneling junction","OPT"
2004 M. L. Lee, J. K. Sheu, Y. K. Su, S. J. Chang, W. C. Lai, and G. C. Chi,"Characterization of GaN Schottky barrier photodiodes with a low-temperature growth GaN cap layer","Electrochemical Society Proc."
2004 M. C. Chen, J.K. Sheu, M. L. Lee, G.C. Chi, C.J. Gao, and C.J. Tun,"Planar GaN-based UV Photodetectors formed by Si Implantation","Electrochemical Society Proc."
2004 T. C. WEN, J. K. Sheu, W. C. Lai, J. M. Tsai, Y. P. Shu, C. H. Ko, L. W. Wu, M. L. Lee, P. T. Wang, C. S. Chang, S. J. Chang and Y. K. Su","Monolithic InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes with near white-light emission from crossed blue/green quantum well structure","International conference of MOVPE"
2003 M. L. Lee, J. K. Sheu, C. J. Kao, M. C. Chen, C. J. Tun, W. C. Lai, Y. K. Su, S.J. Chang, and G. C. Chi","GaN Schottky barrier photodetectors with a low-temperature GaN cap layer","Electronic Devices and Material Symp."
2003 G. C. Chi, J.K. Sheu, M. L. Lee, C.J. Kao, Y.K. Su, S.J. Chang,and W.C. Lai","Reduction of Dark Current in AlGaN/GaN Schottky Barrier Photodetectors With a Low-Temperature-Grown GaN Cap Layer","Matr. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc."

2019Ming-Lun Lee, “Light Emitting Diode Chip”, U.S. patent No. US 10,193,019 B2
2018Ming-Lun Lee, “Light Emitting Diode Chip”, U.S. patent No. US 9,985,180 B2
2018Ming-Lun Lee, “Light emitting diode and data transmission and reception apparatus”, U.S. patent No. US 9,905,725 B2
2018李明倫、許進恭、黃泰傑,” 光電化學反應系統” ,中華民國專利發明第I621593號
2017Ming-Lun Lee, “Light Emitting Diode Chip”, U.S. patent No. US 9,768,354 B2
2017李明倫,”發光二極體晶片及數據發射及接收裝置” ,中華民國專利發明第I577042號
2017李明倫、許進恭、黃泰傑,”光電化學系統的光電極裝置” ,中華民國專利發明第I573897號
2017李明倫,” 半導體元件” ,中華民國專利發明第I573269號
2016李明倫,”高電子移動率電晶體” ,中華民國專利發明第I545660號
2016李明倫,” 發光二極體晶片” ,中華民國專利發明第I545797號
2016李明倫,” 發光二極體晶片” ,中華民國專利新型第M491255號

2016Light Emitting Diode Chip (技轉)

2011  在不同基板成長非極性氮化鎵光電元件研究-子計畫五:高極化敏感度及高效率之氮化鎵系列紫外光偵測器的研製與其特性分析
 2010  在不同基板成長非極性氮化鎵光電元件研究-子計畫五:高極化敏感度及高效率之氮化鎵系列紫外光偵測器的研製與其特性分析
 2009  在不同基板成長非極性氮化鎵光電元件研究-子計畫五:高極化敏感度及高效率之氮化鎵系列紫外光偵測器的研製與其特性分析
 2008  具有高響應度之氮化鎵光電晶體紫外光偵測器之研究
 2007  高速紫外光偵測器之研究
 2006  高效率之深紫外光氮化鎵光檢測器的研製
 2005  具有Solar-Blind偵測波段之氮化鎵PIN 紫外光檢測器的研製